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Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol. 1
書籍Using Sufi stories as the central theme, Osho reveals and unravels both the hidden teachings of Sufism and his own understanding of life itself and the human condition.
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The Book of Understanding
Creating Your Own Path to Freedom書籍 – 汇编Also Available As: BookOsho calls for a new humanity that is both responsible and free, challenging us to understand our world and ourselves in a new and radical way. The first step is to question and doubt all that we have been taught to believe.
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Learning to Live a Life of Freedom書籍 – 汇编Day in day out, everyone’s mind is full of thoughts. But where do they come from? Are they independent thoughts or are they concepts and doctrines borrowed from other people? Learn MoreThe Search
Talks on the Ten Bulls of Zen書籍Also Available As: BookOsho talks on the ten paintings that tell the famous Zen story of a farmer in search of his lost bull, providing an allegorical expression of the search for enlightenment. Learn MoreThe Ultimate Alchemy, Vol.2
Talks on the Atma Pooja Upanishad書籍A precious legacy from a golden age of Indian awakening. Osho illuminates each seed-like word.
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從性到超意識書籍驅使人類瘋狂地走向性最重要的原因並不是男人渴望女人的身體,也不是女人渴望男人的身體,根本就不是。那個渴望是為了其他的東西,是為了要嚐到無自我性和無時間性… Learn More信心銘
禪宗三祖璨真言書籍一個不懂得感激的人,將會喪失他所擁有的,而一個懂得感激的人,整個存在都會幫助他更成長,因為他知道已經得到了什麼。 Learn More奧修禪塔羅
書籍奧修禪卡跟傳統的塔羅牌不一樣,它並不是要讓你用它來玩遇測的遊戲,它是一個禪宗超凡的遊戲,它可以反映出當下那個片刻,原原本本地呈現出此時此刻地的現況。 Learn More奧修談禪
書籍「禪」改版,附DVD。當你放鬆,不再握緊拳頭,不再緊抓它,生命就會明明白白揭露自己…… Learn More奧修談禪師南泉普願
靈性的轉折書籍佛性始終跟隨著你,那是你的本質,你要日益深入,盡可能熟悉你的佛。將祂活出來,活在你的行住坐臥中, 當你每一個行動、每一個姿態、 言語和靜默都變成佛的狀態, 你就到家了。 Learn More
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